Divest NU mounts pipeline protest

Around a dozen Northeastern University students allied with Divest NU are repurposing pipelines in the name of protest, reports The Huntington News.

On Wednesday, Feb. 24, around college students marched down Forsyth Street and spilled into Centennial Common, carrying a “mock pipeline” (in actuality a black inflatable tube) above their heads with the slogans “Divest from climate chaos” and “Aoun – don’t be a fossil fool” scrawled on it in white.

As per the below video, which Divest NU posted to Facebook, the students were led by club members with megaphones, who initiated chants like, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, fossil fuels have got to go.”

The action, in part galvanized by Northeastern’s School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs voting unanimously in favor of divestment earlier in the week, is one of several recently undertaken by Divest NU, which has enjoyed swelling membership and public interest with the twin trending topics of the Standing Rock protests and climate change drawing a significant amount of attention to the organization’s anti-fossil-fuel agenda. The organization’s coalition of students, faculty, student organizations, and alumni has now convinced five schools to vote in favor of divesting college and university endowments from fossil fuel companies.


Here’s more, as per The Huntington News:

“This march is the beginning of our re-entering into the campus discussion on divestment, and restarting the conversation on our goals,” said Meghan McCallister, DivestNU member and a freshman environmental science and political science double major. “This semester we have a lot of people returning on campus from co-op and N.U.in so we think it’s important to re-engage people who weren’t able to engage with us last semester.”