At Copley Square protest, unity and volume in the face of Trump’s unconstitutional travel ban

Thousands took to Copley Square on Sunday to loudly protest the Trump administration’s ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries in the aftermath of a tumultuous night that saw federal judges from Boston and elsewhere stay parts of the order, which has been disavowed by many key politicians as unconstitutional.

Covering the protest on Twitter meant trying to capture the size and sensation of the protest, as well as individual gestures, protesters, quotes, and political statements made non-verbally. The immediacy of the platform lends itself to such an electric, dynamic setting – but the issues of uploading to Twitter in the midst of a dense crowd, almost all members of which are also online, means that some creativity in where a reporter places themselves is necessary.

Here are some highlights from Twitter, displaying swelling crowds, creative signs, and a prevailing spirit of perseverance.






















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