10 Twitters to follow for college accountability

If you want to keep abreast of what’s going on in the Boston collegiate sphere, you should be on Twitter, following a spread of accounts that serve as platforms for student-run college newspapers and publications. Here are 10 you should be prioritizing.

1. The Huntington News (@HuntNewsNU)

Northeastern University’s independent student newspaper regularly tweets with breaking news on campus in addition to the vast majority of its in-paper and online content.

2.  The Daily Free Press (@dailyfreepress)

Boston University’s independent student newspaper is a force on social media, providing breaking news updates, links to its stories, and other avenues for audience engagement.

3. The Harvard Crimson (@thecrimson)

Another active student publication, The Harvard Crimson maintains an active, interactive Twitter account that includes links to its biggest stories.

4. Harvard Magazine (@HarvardMagazine)

An independent voice in the Harvard community and throughout Cambridge, Harvard Magazine regularly discusses the most pressing structural and institutional issues facing Massachusetts’ most famed Ivy League school – and its Twitter is a great way to keep track of the editorials it runs.

5. The Mass Media (@UMBMassMedia)

Though less active than other student newspapers on Twitter, the Mass Media is still relatively timely in its social media presentation, and its perspective on the UMASS Boston community is unique.

6. The Heights (@bcheights)

The independent student newspaper of Boston College, The Heights maintains an active Twitter platform from which it shares the lion’s share of its print content.

7. The Boston Globe (@BostonGlobe)

This should go without saying – the Boston Globe provides better coverage of New England events, including inner-city turmoil and on-campus strife, than any other publication of its size. The Globe reports without any hint of bias on the goings-ons of all Boston institutions and often leads the charge for greater accountability.

8. The Suffolk Journal (@SuffolkJournal)

What the Suffolk Journal lacks in reach, it just about makes up for in specificity. Covering the bulk of news related to Suffolk University, including its major scandals, this paper is an intriguing look inside a less-known city college.

9. The Tech (@thetech)

MIT’s oldest and largest newspaper, as well as an independent one, is a great source of information about MIT and its assorted struggles and victories. In looking to expose the code of silence surrounding student suicide on its campus, The Tech was a trailblazer.

10. The Boston Herald (@bostonherald)

On some select occasions, the Globe will not be first. On those occasions, a good bet is that the Herald, another major New England publication, has scooped its better-known brethren. The Culture section of the Boston Herald is a particularly interesting place to find information about college campuses.


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